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TOP SAP FICO Trainer in Hyderabad
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Meet Our Expert SAP FICO Trainer

Best SAP FICO Trainer in Hyderabad

Prasad PM (Dr),SAP FICO Expert Trainer.

Prasad PM LinkedIn Profile

Mr.Prasad(BE,MS,PhD)is a Senior SAP Consultant & SAP Trainer at Global Coach IT Academy . Having 20+ years experience in SAP FICO, SAP S/4 HANA Modules Presently working for Corporate MNC & now working as a Full Time Trainer at Global Coach.

He is available at our Punjagutta office for both Classroom & Online SAP Training Batches. Plase enroll yourself for his batch and get an opportunity to learn SAP & Real time industry concepts. Fill the form to Enroll.

GlobalCoach SaP Institute with Google 4.8 star rating

We at Global Coach IT Academy are one of the Best Institutes in Hyderabad for ERP Training and Software Courses. We basically provide training for various ERP modules like FICO, ABAP, MM, SD, BASIS, HANA Admin, S4 HANA modules, and many more.

We provide you Best-in-class SAP training from Industry Experts in the form of online and offline classes, recorded video lectures in case of your Absence, live example scenarios, Interview Preparation, Mock Interviews, Resume Building,100% Placement Assistance.

Key Highlights of our Training

SAP Learn from Real Time Trainers from Global coach

Training from Real Time Trainers

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Global Coach SAP Training Academy provides you 100% Placement Assistance

100% Placement Assistance

We have more than 35+ placement partners & internship partners with us. After 2 months mandatory training program are eligible for placement assistance program.

Global Coach SAP Training Academy:Get Training from Real Time Experts

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Ger SAP certification from Global Coach which will be valued at Interviews

Intensive Training Program

After Intensive training we provide you with certificate which you get value in Interviews.

SAP Training at Global Coach,Every batch is limited to limited strength

Limited Strength

Only Limited students are taken for each branch ,by which each student get maximum exposure.

Resume Building & Interview Preparation

We conduct weekly mockup interview sessions and interview tips which helps the student in facing interview panel.

SAP Training Features

SAP FICO Syllabus

I. Introduction
  1. Introduction to ERP, Advantages of SAP over other ERP Packages
  2. Introduction to SAP R/1, R/2, R/3 – S/4 HANA Finance
  3. Introduction to G/L (NEW G/L), A/R, A/P, AA and Bank.
  4. Introduction to Banking and Treasury Management.
  5. Introduction to CEA, CCA, EC- PCA, CO-PA and PC.
  6. Tables in SAP FICO & S/4 HANA Finance.
  7. Full Deployment & Hybrid Deployment.
  8. Green Field Implementation & Brown Field.Implementation.
II. Sap Net Weaver and Enterprise Structure Basic Settings
  1. Set Countries and Regions.
  2. Creation and assignment of company and company code.
  3. Creation of business area, Consolidation Business area, Functional Area, Financial Management Area, Segment and Credit Control Area.
  4. Define and Assign Field Status Groups.
  5. Global Parameter for Company Code.
  6. Creating Leading, Non- Leading and Rep Ledger.
  8. UNIVERSAL JOURNAL Introduction and Table Fields.
  10. Various Functional & Technical Changes in SAP FICO & S/4 HANA Finance.
  11. Procession of OLAP & OLTP.
  12. Backup Tables.
  13. Defining and assignment of fiscal year variant.
  14. Defining and assignment of posting period variant.
  15. Defining open and closing posting periods.
  16. Defining document type & number ranges.
  17. Define Posting Keys.
  18. Tolerance Groups Define & Assign.
  19. Maintenance and assignment of field status variants.
  20. Defining and assignment of tolerance groups of employees.
  21. Taxes on Sales & Purchases (Basic Settings).
  22. Creation of Chart of Accounts.
  23. Defining Accounts Groups.
  24. Defining Retained Earnings Account.
  25. Defining tolerance groups for G/I accounts.
III. General Ledger Accounting:
    1. Creation of General Ledger Master (with and without reference)
    2. LSMW – Legacy System Migration Workbench.
    3. Display/Change/Block/Unblock of general ledger master.
    4. Creation of Account assignment model and posting.
    5. Defining Recurring entry document, Run Schedule, Run Dates and posting.
    6. Creation of Sample Document and posting.
    7. Parallel Currencies (Various Methods).
    8. Defining Exchange Rate types and Translation ratios.
    9. Define Exchange rates & posting of foreign currency transactions.
    10. Interest Configuration (Balance Interest).
    11. Configuration of line layouts for display of GL line items.
    12. Create Screen Layouts.
  1. Document Entry posting normal postings posting with reference
  2. Display and change of documents.
  3. Display of GL balances and Line items.
  4. Parked documents & hold documents.
  5. Reversal of individual documents, Mass Reversal, reversal of cleared items and reversal of accrual. and deferral documents.
IV. Bank Configuration.
  1. House Bank .
  2. Bank account interest calculation
  3. Cash Journal.
  4. Validations and Substitutions For Cash Journal.
  5. Lockbox Principles
  6. Bank Reconciliation Statements.
  7. Automatic Bank Reconciliation.
  8. Manual Bank Reconciliation.
  9. Various Methods of Bank Reconciliation Statement.
V. Check and Loan Management.
  1. Individual check payment.
  2. Manual check payment.
  3. Check registrar.
  4. Check encashment
  5. Validation Principles for Check Management.
VI. Accounts Receivable:
  1. Creation of customer account groups and assignment of number ranges
  2. LSMW – Legacy System Migration Workbench.
  3. Creation of tolerance group for customers
  4. Category of Customers.
  5. Creation of customer master (display/change/block/unblock of vender master)
  6. Item Interest Configuration.
  7. Down Payment Receive from customer.
  8. Bills Receivable.
  9. Customer Terms.
  10. Customer Discounts & Types.
  11. Reserve for Bad-debts.
  12. Risk Management.13. Credit Control Area.
  13. Configuration of settings for Dunning.
  14. Automatic Clearing.
VII. New GL Concepts
  1. Define Field Status Variant
  2. Define Currencies of Leading Ledger
  3. Assign Scenario and customer Fields to Ledger
  4. Assign posting period variant to company code
  5. Define Accounting Principles
  6. Assign Accounting Principles to Ledger Groups
  7. Controlling to Finance Integration
  8. Define VAT/ GST Registration Number
  9. Define Document Number Ranges for Entry view and Ledger View.
  10. Message Controls
  11. Classify Document Type for Document Splitting
  12. Document Splitting Characteristics for General ledger Accounting and Controlling.
  13. Incoming invoices and Credit Memo’s.
  14. Set Country Specific Checks
  15. Dummy Profit Center
VIII. Accounts Payable
  1. Creation of vendor account groups and assignment of number ranges
  2. LSMW – Legacy System Migration Workbench.
  3. Creation of vendor master (display/change/block/unblock of vender master)
  4. Creation of tolerance group for venders
  5. Item Interest Configuration.
  6. Down Payment paid to Vendor.
  7. Bills payable.
  8. Letter of Credit Paid to Vendor
  9. Terms of Payment.
  10. Vendor Discounts.
  11. Configuration of Automatic payment program (Free Selection, Blocking, Minimum and maximum Cash Discount, Individual & Partial Payment, Reallocation, Re-Printing Cheques)
  12. Defining correspondence & party statement of accounts.
  13. Automatic Clearing.
  14. Payment Processing using DME, AlE
X FI – Joint Venture Accounting:
  1. Funds Management
  2. Grand’s Management
  3. Commitment Management
Xi. Taxes
  1. Input Tax.
  2. Output Tax.
  3. Excise Tax. (In-depth)
  4. Service
  5. Customs Tax
  6. Professional tax
  7. Withholding Tax.
  8. Global Taxes.
  9. GST (In-depth)
  1. Posting of customer transactions (sales invoice posting, payment posting, debit memo).
  2. Settings for advance payment from parties (down payment).
  3. Defining correspondence & party statement of accounts.
  4. Posting of vendor transactions (invoice posting, payment posting, credit memo).
  5. Settings for advance payments to parties (down payment) and clearing of down payment against invoices (special GL transactions).
  6. Posting of partial Payment & Residual Payment.
  7. Payment to vendors through APP.
  8. Asset under Construction.
Xii. Data Migration
  1. LSMW – Legacy System Migration Workbench.
  2. BDC -Batch Data Communication.
  3. Table Architecture Method
  4. Cockpit method
Asset Accounting
  1. Defining chart of depreciation
  2. Defining account determination, screen layout, number ranges and asset classes.
  3. Integration with General Ledger & Posting rules.
  4. Creation of asset master and sub asset master (change/display/block/unblock).
  5. Defining Depreciation key (base, declining, multilevel, period control methods).
  6. Acquisition or purchase of assets, sale of assets.
  7. Amalgamation, Absorption, Liquidation, Holding Asset procedure.
  8. Scrapping of assets, Transfer of assets.
  9. Post Capitalization and write up.
  10. Depreciation run.
  11. Line Settle of assets under construction of capital work in progress.
  1. Asset Purchase Posting.
  2. Sale of Asset.
  3. Transfer of Asset.
  4. Scrapping of Asset.
SAP FI/CO Cross- Company Code Transactions. Integration with MM.
  1. Movement types.
  2. Valuation class.
  3. Valuation area.
  4. Process key.
  5. Valuation grouping.
  6. Material types.
  7. Define plant.
  8. Define division.
  9. Maintain storage location.
  10. Maintain purchasing organization.
  11. Assign plant to company code.
  12. Assign business area to plant/valuation area and division.
  13. Assign purchasing organization to company code.
  14. Creation of material group.
  15. Maintain company code for material management.
  16. Define attributes of material types.
  17. Set tolerance group for purchase orders.
  18. Set tolerance limits group for goods receipt.
  19. Plant parameters.
  20. Maintain default values for tax codes.
  21. Set tolerance limits for goods receipt.
  22. Plant parameters.
  23. Maintain default values for tax codes.
  24. Set tolerance limits for invoice verification.
  25. Define automatic status change.
  26. Group together valuation areas.
  27. Configure automatic posting.
  28. Document type & number ranges.
  29. Material master creation.
  30. To open material periods.
  1. Purchase order creation.
  2. Goods receipts.
  3. Invoices verification.
  4. Goods issue for consumption.
  5. Display material ledger.
  6. Display material document.
xiii. Integration with SD.
  1. Define sales organization.
  2. Define distribution channel.
  3. Define shipping point.
  4. Assign sales organization to company code.
  5. Assign distribution channel to sales organization.
  6. Assign division to sales organization.
  7. Setup sales area.
  8. Assign sales organization distribution channel plant.
  9. Define rules by sales area.
  10. Assign shipping point to plant.
  11. Define pricing procedure determination.
  12. Define tax determination rules.
  13. Assignment of accounts for automatic postings.
  14. Assign shipping points.
  15. Creation of condition types.
  1. Purchase order creation.
  2. Goods receipts.
  3. Invoices verification.
  4. Goods issue for consumption.
  5. Display material ledger.
  6. Display material document.
xiii. Integration with SD.
  1. Define sales organization.
  2. Define distribution channel.
  3. Define shipping point.
  4. Assign sales organization to company code.
  5. Assign distribution channel to sales organization.6. Assign division to sales organization.
  6. Setup sales area.
  7. Assign sales organization distribution channel plant.
  8. Define rules by sales area.
  9. Assign shipping point to plant.
  10. Define pricing procedure determination.
  11. Define tax determination rules.
  12. Assignment of accounts for automatic postings.
  13. Setup partner determination.
  14. Assign shipping points.
  15. Creation of condition types.
  1. Sales order creation.
  2. Delivery.
  3. Billing document.
Screen Variants. Transport Request’s. User Creation.
  1. Create users.
  2. Role Authorizations.
  3. Assign Tolerance to Users.
  4. Create and Assign Validations to Users.
  5. Create and Assign Substitutions to Users.
  6. User Condition Controls
FI/ SD Credit Management.
  1. Define credit controlling areas.
  2. Decentralized credit management.
  3. Central credit management.
  4. Credit controlling are currency central organization.
  5. Assigning credit controlling are company codes.
  6. Assigning customer credit controlling.
  7. Creating credit data.
  8. Resetting credit limit.
  9. Postings without credit limit checks.
  10. Automatic credit control
. Integration with HR.
  1. Define symbolic accounts.
  2. Defining wages types.
  3. Mapping wages types to symbolic Accounts .
  4. Mapping symbolic accounts to G/L Accounts.
  5. Payroll posting with amount changes.
  6. Reverse posting7. Check completeness.
  7. Utilizing the payment program.
Cutover Activities.
  1. Inventory Takeover.
  2. Receivable Takeover.
  3. Payable Takeover.
  4. Asset Takeover.
  5. Other GL Takeover.
Final Preparation.
  1. Define Financial Statement Version.
  2. Balance carry forward Balances.
  3. Month ending Activities.
  4. Structure of Account Balances. FI- CO Tables.
  1. Financial statement version.
  2. General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Assets Reports.
  3. User Define Reports.
CONTROLLING Basic settings for controlling
  1. Maintain Controlling Area.
  2. Activate control indicators/ components.
  3. Defining Number ranges for Controlling Area.
  4. Maintain Planning Versions.
Cost Element Accounting.
  1. Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost Elements.
  2. Creation of Cost Element Groups.
  3. primary cost element categories and secondary cost element categories .
Cost Center Accounting
  1. Defining Cost Center Standard Hierarchy.
  2. Creation of Cost Centers and cost center groups.
  3. Planning for cost center, posting to cost centers.
  4. Repost of Costs.
  5. Overhead Calculation.
  6. Creation and Execution of Distribution Cycle.
  7. creation and execution of assessment cycles.
  8. cost center reports
Internal Orders
  1. Statistical Internal Order.
  2. Real Internal Order.
  3. Defining order types.
  4. Creation of internal order
  5. Planning of internal orders.
  6. Postings to internal order.
  7. Report of Variance analysis.
Profit Center Accounting.
  1. Basic Settings for Profit Center Accounting.
  2. Creation of Dummy Profit Centers.
  3. Maintaining versions for profit centers.
  4. Creation of profit centers and profit center groups.
  5. Creation of revenue cost elements.
  6. Automatic Assignment of Revenue elements for Profit Centers.
  7. Postings to profit centers, planning and variance reporting.
Commitment Management. Budgetary Control Cash Flow.
  1. Direct Method.
  2. Indirect Method
Product Costing.
  1. Define Cost Sheet.
    1. Maintain overhead cost element
    2. Maintain overhead keys
    3. Define cost component structure
    4. Define overhead keys and groups
    5. Variance calculation
    6. Work in progress
    7. Settlement
    8. Variance calculation
    9. Product cost by sale
    10. Product cost by planning
    11. Product cost by order
    12. Product cost by period
    13. Material ledger and BOM
  2. Define cost component structure.
  3. Define MRP controller.
  4. Define production controller.
  5. Create bill of material.
  6. Creation of work center.
  7. Creation of routing.
  8. Creation of cost estimate with quality structure.
Profitability Analysis.
  1. Defining the operating concern.
  2. Define profitability segment characteristics.
  3. Activating the profitability analysis.
  4. Creation of data structures.
  5. Follow of actual values.
  6. Creation of reports.
  7. Execution of reports.
  8. Define forms.
Data Migration
  1. Regenerate CDS Views and Field Mapping
  2. Analyze Transactional Data
  3. Display Status of Analysis of Transactional Data
  4. Documentation of Data Migration
  5. Start and Monitor Data Migration
  6. Migrate General Ledger Allocations
  7. Migrate House Banks Accounts
  8. Migration of Financial Documents to Trade Finance
  9. Credit Management Migration
  10. Complete Migration
  11. Complete Migration of Financial Documents to Trade Finance
  12. Activities after Migration
    1. Transfer Application Indexes
    2. Display Status of Transfer of Application Indexes
    3. Fill Due Dates in FI Documents
    4. Display Status of Filling in Due Dates into FI Documents
    5. Fill the Offsetting Account in FI Documents
    6. Display Status of Filling the Offsetting Account in FI
    1. Enrichment of Balance Carryforward
    2. Manual Activities for Trade Finance
    3. Manual Activities for Credit Management
    4. Migration of Accrual Engine Data
    5. Deactivate Reconciliation Ledger
    Real Time Concepts:
    1. SAP Methodology.
    2. LSMW – Legacy System Migration Workbench. (Batch Input, IDOC, BAPI)
    3. Data Migration, LSMW, BDC, ALE/EDI and IDOCS.
    4. Controlling (In depth).
    5. SAP Query.
    6. Transport Request Creation and Release.
    7. Tickets.
    8. FAQS.
  • S4 HANA Architecture, Deployment Strategy
  • Need of Universal Journal, SAP FIORI.

  • Company, Company Code, Business Area
  • Profit Centers, Plant, Storage Location
  • Sales Organization, Distribution Channel
  • Division-Sales Area, Sales Office, Shipping Points
  • Purchase Organization, Purchase Group
  • GL Masters, Cost Elements
  • Business Partners, Customer Master
  • Material Type
  • Material Group, and Material Masters with all Views
  • Fiscal Year Variant, Posting Period Variant
  • Field Status Variant, Document settings
  • Classic GL, New GL Accounting,Concept of Leading & Non Leading Ledgers
  • Concept of Universal Journal (ACDOCA)
  • Parallel Accounting, Document Splitting
  • Central Currency VS ECC settings, Easy Access Steps (Business Process)
  • Ledgers Postings, Document Posting & Analysis
  • Sample Documents & Reference Documents, Tax on Sale/Purchase.
  • Settings for SD, Account Determinations
  • Sales Order Creation, Delivery to Customers
  • Billing Documents (SD Invoice), Sales Invoice in FI, Incoming Payments.
  • Organization Structure, Valuation
  • Integration with General Ledgers
  • Technical Clearing Account Integration VS ECC
  • Asset under Construction, Business Process
  • General Controlling, Cost Element Accounting
  • Cost Centre Accounting, Period End Closing Activities
  • Internal Order Accounting.
  • Maintain Characteristics, Maintain Value Fields
  • Maintain Data Structure, Maintain Operating Concern
  • Maintain Valuation strategies, Maintain Costing Key Assignments
  • Assign CCS to Value Fields, Maintain Variance PA transfer structure
  • Maintain SD condition types mapping to COPA, Maintain SD Quantities to COPA
  • Maintain Transfer Structure from FI and MM to COPA
  • Actual Line Item Reports, CreateProfitability Reports
  • Costing Variant for standard cost estimation
  • PP Settings required for Product Costing, BOM creation
  • Work centre creation, Routing Creation
  • Maintain Quantity Structure, Execute Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure
  • Mark & Release Cost in Material Master
  • Balance Sheet and Profit Loss Account
  • Chart of Accounts, Trail Balance, General Ledger
  • User Manual, Vendor List, Vendor Wise Purchases
  • AGE Wise Analysis of Vendors, Down Payment Report of Vendors
  • Vendor Ledger, Due Date Forecast of Vendors, Customer List
  • Customer Wise Sales, AGE Wise Analysis of Customers
  • Department Wise and Machine Wise Assets Details –Gross Block
  • Accumulated Depreciation and Net Block, Depreciation Posting Period Wise, Schedule Assets Report
  • Assets Addition Report, Sale Report, Profit/Loss on Sale of Assets Report
  • Assets Transfer Reports, COPA Report
  • Introducing SAP S/4HANA, outlining the Conversion Journey
  • Explaining the Migration Process
  • Analyzing the Migration process per system starting point
  • Preparing for Migration to SAP S/4HANA
  • Preparing for Business Partner Adoption
  • Describing the SAP S/4HANA Installation Phase
  • Configuring General Ledger Accounting
  • Configuring new Asset Accounting
  • Migrating to new Asset Accounting
  • Customizing controlling for Account Based CO-PA
  • Preparing for Migration Material Ledger
  • Preparing for Migration of House Bank Accounts
  • Preparing for Migration of Credit Management
  • Migrating to the Universal Journal
  • Finalizing Migration and Post Processing Business Partner
  • Performing Post Migration Activities
  • Understanding the New Architecture of Management Accounting in SAP S/4HANA
  • Managing the Organizational Structure
  • Analyzing the Reporting Options
  • Introducing SAP Fiori
  • Understanding the new concept of cost elements in S/4 HANA Finance

Other SAP Courses from GCIT Academy

Technical Modules
  • SAP Grc & Sec
Functional Modules
  • s/4 HANA Simple Finance
  • S4 HANA Simple Logistics
  • SAP Sucess Factors
  • SAP SD
  • SAP PP
  • SAP WM
  • SAP QM

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Ashoka Sreevardhan
Ashoka Sreevardhan
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I have had experience with SAP for nearly 10 years. This software is not something that you can learn easily. It took me a lot to be proficient in this software. I have seen how these guys teach and I am amazed how efficient their teaching is. Their courses are well structured and accommodate the need of many students from various backgrounds who approach the institute with special requirements. I know how hard it is to make someone understand the concepts of SAP that stand on different foundations and these guys streamline their teaching which makes it look easy!!!
mohammed ali
mohammed ali
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Plethora of courses and authorised certifications available along with apt career guidance which helped me to put myself in my dream job. Thanks to the friendly management and the teaching staff. Best foundation for your dream career. Exclusive for all sap functional modules - FI- All modules, logistics, Basis and security etc....
sap basha
sap basha
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Iam student of Global Coach IT Academy. I have learnt sap FICO and i have got Great training with the well experienced faculty Vijay and the institute was excellent for training and carrier guidence by the faculty Best SAP Training in Hyderabad. Tq Global Coach IT Academy
Taduri Haripriya
Taduri Haripriya
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Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value Very good place to learn. I am very comfortable with what they taught to me when compared to other institutes. Trainer name:Srinivas
sai kiran
sai kiran
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Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Value I have Done Python Course from here Faculty was Very Much Supportive Covering all Topics Thoroughly and Practice session excellent with Doubts clearance in spot while writing programs and material provided is easily accessible and understanding quickly in simple terms

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